Unlike last year, these notifications will now occur when an ‘outbreak’ occurs in a classroom, rather than by individual case. Per ODE guidelines, an outbreak in a K-12 setting is defined as having 3 or more confirmed cases within a classroom where there is evidence of school transmission.
Under the current state guidelines, having a case of Covid‐19 identified in your student’s classroom does not require quarantine unless your student is experiencing COVID‐19 symptoms or has a positive COVID‐19 test.
If your student does develop any Covid-19 symptoms (cough, temperature of 100.4 or higher, chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell), we ask that you please do not send them to school and seek testing. Test kits are available in your school’s main office.
Students and/or staff who test positive for Covid-19 will still be required to isolate for at least five days. Your student may return once their symptoms have improved and they are fever free without the use of medication for 24 hours, however a face covering is required for the remainder of the 10 days following symptom onset.
D21 will continue to maximize all other available mitigation measures that assist us in keeping our learning environments safe and healthy. These include increased ventilation and airflow, diagnostic testing, cleaning, disinfection and infection control measures.
More information, including a Covid FAQ, can be found on our district website here.