Pre-register your child! Chenowith, Colonel Wright, and Dry Hollow Elementary Schools will be hosting kindergarten pre-registration May 1st-8th from 8:30 am to 3 pm. Extended hours are offered Thursday, May 2nd and Tuesday, May 7th, offices will be open until 6 pm.
What do I need to bring in order to preregister my child?
- Birth Certificate: proof of birth to verify that your student will be five years old on or before September 1, 2024.
- Proof of physical address: NWCSD #21 requires that students attend the elementary school that corresponds to their neighborhood elementary school’s attendance boundaries. Two (2) separate pieces of documentation proving physical address are required and can include: o Rental or lease agreement
o Purchase or escrow agreement
o Annual property tax statement
o Current utility bill in the parent’s name
- Immunization records: students entering kindergarten are required to have these shots: o 5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
o 4 Polio
o 1 Varicella (chickenpox)
o 2 Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
o 3 Hepatitis B
o 2 Hepatitis A
- Vision screening: The State of Oregon requires each student to submit certification that they have received a vision screening or eye examination (typical screening done in the doctor’s office) and any further eye exams or necessary treatments.
- Dental Screening: The State or Oregon requires a child who is seven years of age or younger to have a dental screening before entering school for the first time (HB 2972 (2015)).
When can I pre- register my student?
Pre-registration will take place during special hours from 8:30am to 3:00pm, May 1-8, except Thursday, May 2nd and Tuesday, May 7th, hours extended to 6:00pm.
Where do I go to preregister my student?
Go to your neighborhood school to pre-register. If you are not sure which school your student should attend, just call and ask!
Attend your school’s Open House event:
Dry Hollow Elementary on May 13th from 5-6 pm
Colonel Wright Elementary on May 29th from 5-6 pm
Chenowith Elementary pm May 30th from 5-6 pm
Check out Jump Start Kindergarten. The Jump Start Kindergarten program is specifically for incoming Kindergartners to get a boost before entering elementary school in the fall. Jump Start runs from July 30th through August 14th and will be held at Colonel Wright Elementary, but all incoming North Wasco kinders are welcome to attend. Apply Here