Band » FAQs


Q:  My child does not know how to play an instrument.  Can they still be in the band?

A:  YES!  Students are not expected to have any previous musical experience before entering band class.  We will teach them all of the basics and then begin instruction on the instrument selected.


Q:  How much does it cost to be in band?

A:  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! The North Wasco County School District decided in 2022 that we are a "Fee-Free School District". This means all of the needs for band will be provided by the school and district. If families desire a better quality instrument than what's provided through the school, you can always rent your own instrument from Beacock Music ( Ask Mr. Kelly for more information or if you need assistance.


Q:  What other costs can we expect throughout the year?

A:  Nothing, really... unless you desire more lessons than in class. Private lessons are strongly recommended.  A list of local private music instructors can be found HERE. Lessons are not required but are extremely helpful to all students. 


Q:  What band classes are offered?

A:  We have three bands: Sixth Grade Band, Seventh Grade Band, and Eighth Grade Band. Students are placed in band according to their grade level.  Due to a recent change this year, 6th and 7th grade band will begin 2nd trimester.


Q:  How much should my child practice during the school year?

A:  Students are expected to practice at home. We understand you and your family lead busy lives. It is suggested that students practice a minimum of 15 minutes per day. Students will be expected to be well rehearsed for playing assessments and performances. This includes being in attendance and prepared for class rehearsals, as well as practicing at home.


Q:  If my child does not sign up for band in 6th grade, can they sign up in 7th grade?

A:  Students in seventh or eighth grade who have never participated in band before may participate in band, but will be encouraged to take private lessons and will need to work hard to catch up to the level of the rest of the band. These students may be given a trial period in band to see if band is a good fit for the student. They would be admitted to the band at the discretion of Mr. Kelly.


Q:  Can my child change instruments in the middle of the year?

A:  No.  Changing instruments is not recommended.  If a student is really having difficulty the director will address this situation with the family and help make a decision that is best for that child’s musical development. Occasionally, Mr. Kelly will move a student mid-year because of instrumentation balance, but not usually because of parent or student request.


Q:  How are students graded in band?

A:  Students will be graded based on individual assessment.  They receive a daily participation grade (60%) and playing and written assessments and performances (40%).


Q:  When do band classes meet?

A:  Band classes meet every day during the school day.


Q:  What instruments are options in Band?

A:  Beginning Band consists of Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone (Euphonium), and Percussion. Students who wish to play a different instrument are usually started on one and then they audition to switch at the end of their beginning band school year. In 7th and 8th grade, students have other options including Tuba, Piccolo, Oboe, Bassoon, and French Horn.


Q:  How many band students are in the band program at The Dalles Middle School?

A:  Our total enrollment is usually around 150 students in band, grades 6-8.


Q:  Will my child have after school or before school obligations?

A:  There are no after school rehearsals, but students are expected to be present for several mandatory concerts. These are scheduled on the school calendar.


Q:  If my child participates in band, will there be any conflicts with athletics or other activities?

A:  No.  Students are able to participate in many activities throughout their enrollment at The Dalles Middle School.  


More Questions?

Please email Mic Kelly at
[email protected] 

Or call 541-506-3380 (x4123)