Instrument Care & Maintenance » Valved Brass Care

Valved Brass Care

Daily Care

1. Valves on brass instruments need to be lubricated on a regular basis. To do this: (a) Unscrew the valve cap and pull the valve out about half way. (b) Apply a drop of valve oil to the wide part of the valve. Push the valve back into position making sure that it is lined up correctly. (Note): The valve has a guide that keeps it in place. To check for correct alignment gently try to turn the valve. If it doesn't turn it is lined up. If it turns keep turning the valve till you hear a slight "click" and the valve stops turning.

2. Occasionally a mouthpiece will become stuck in the horn. If this happens don't try force to remove it - this can cause major damage to the instrument. Take it to Mrs. Sullivan or music store to have it removed. There is a special tool used to remove the mouthpiece that will not damage the instrument.

3. After you are finished playing make sure you remove any excess moisture from the inside of the horn by opening the water keys and blowing through the instrument. Carefully wipe off the outside of the instrument to remove oils or perspiration caused by your hands.

4. Always store your trumpet in its case when not in use. This helps prevent damage and aids in keeping the instrument clean. Do not place books or folders in the case as this can bend slides and cause valve problems. Make sure that your mouthpiece is properly stored in its holder or in a case, so it will not dent the instrument.

Monthly Care

1. Check all slides to see that they move freely and lubricate them with slide grease if needed.

2. The inside of your instrument needs to be cleaned regularly. This may not be needed every month but should be done at least every 3 months. See this website on Brass Cleaning for more information.

Yearly Care

If you clean your instrument on a regular basis you may not need any additional yearly care, however, repair shops have the ability to chemically clean your instrument which is a more thorough cleaning than can be done at home.