Activities » Activities


Activities create learning opportunities for students to develop character, become well-rounded citizens and achieve excellence in their activities, school and community.


These programs – whether it be music, clubs, or ASB – are just as vital to education as our core classes.  Here at TDHS we are proud to offer a diverse array of clubs and activities for students that help foster personal development and life skills through the exploration of different interests. 


Our Current Clubs/Groups Include:

Art Club - Advisors are Robyn Johnsen & Kellie Meeuwsen.

Car Club - Advisor is Taylor Alsheimer.

Chef's Club - Advisor is Crystal Haggard.

Drama/Thespians - Advisor is Lowry Browning.

Esports - Advisor is Leah Ferguson. Meetings are Fridays during TAT in room 406.

Freshman Class - Advisor is Leah Ferguson.

Garden Club - Advisor is Daniel Campagna. Meetings are every Wednesday during lunch in room 301.

Girl Up - Advisor is Jill Pearson. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday each month during lunch in room 128 (Ms. Pearson's room).

Graphic Arts - Advisor is Leah Ferguson. Meetings are Mondays during TAT in room 406.

GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) - Advisors are Meranda Toole & Taylor Alsheimer. Please contact one of the advisors for more info.

Junior Class - Advisor is Kara Willis.

Junto's - Advisors are Andrea Florés & Lindsay Omeg. Meetings are every other Wednesday in the TDHS library.

Key Club - Need an advisor. Meetings are every Friday during lunch in room 114 (Mr Rowland’s room).

Link Crew - Advisor is Brian Greeley.

National Honor Society - Advisor is David Ford.

Riverhawks Creative Club - Advisor is Chuck Webber

Robotics - Advisor is Charles Webber.

Senior Class - Advisor is Paula Erickson.

Sophomore Class - Advisor is needed.

STEM Club - Advisor is Cheryl Rice. Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Thursday during lunch in room 215 (Ms. Rice's room).

Welding & Fabrication Club - Advisor is Lynn Helyer. Meetings/Open shop are at CGCC Welding Lab Thursday's from 3:30 to 5pm.

Yearbook - Advisor is Leah Ferfuson.

Youth Alive Bible Club - Advisor Ty Haight. Meetings are every Tuesday at 11:45 during lunch in room 129. Anyone is welcome to come and get together to read and learn about the bible and Jesus.