Dry Hollow Elementary » PTA


DH Parent Teacher Association

You can email the Dry Hollow PTA with any questions about becoming a member, an officer, or a volunteer. We would love to hear from you! [email protected]
Sign up to our mailing list by sending your email address to [email protected]. A reminder email will be sent out about meetings and upcoming events.


Meetings will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Dry Hollow Library.

Volunteer Opportunities
(and other ways to help!)

Any amount of time you have to volunteer at your children's school is valuable; if it is one hour a week, one hour a month, or even one hour a year. When we all participate where we can, our children's education is greatly improved. Consider becoming a member of the PTA as a way to get involved in your child's school. Look for volunteer opportunities for our upcoming events. We can't do it without you!
Fall Fundraiser
We have one big selling fundraiser in the fall that funds most PTA activities and improvements.
Spring Jog-a-thon
Way to go Dry Hollow Vikings! We had a record fundraiser last spring, bringing in over $3,000.


Other ways you can help:

 Box Tops for Education
Remember to save those Box Tops! We raised almost $1,500 last year. Thank you to all who participated. Classroom competitions will be twice a year, so keep sending them in. Thank you for your support! Click here for more information about Box Tops For Education.
Get "Bonus Box Tops" with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card
Click here to register your Fred Meyer Rewards card to receive even more Box Tops!!! Nothing to clip or send in, it automatically comes back to Dry Hollow.
E-Scrip & Safeway Club Cards
Visit the E-Scrip website for many different ways to support Dry Hollow by registering. Register or renew your Safeway Club card. If you have done this in the past, you are required to renew each year to keep supporting your school, Dry Hollow. Click here to register/renew your Safeway card! This is an easy way for you to support Dry Hollow PTA! Our group ID is #8561952. Let us know if you need assistance and we'd be happy to help.

PTA Sponsored Events

The following is a list of the events that are organized and funded by the PTA.
Tears of Joy assembly, all grades
OMSI Assembly, all grades
Portland Opera assembly
Giving Tree
Food Drive
S. E. C. R. E. T. S., fifth grade science enrichment
Artist in Residence, all grades
Cross Country Run, ribbons
AR Field Trips
Spring Scholastic Book Fair
Spring Jog-a-thon

PTA Mission

  • To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children.
  • To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children.
  • To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.

PTA Goals

  • To provide a forum of parents and school staff to communicate effectively for the benefits of the students.
  • To address current issues affecting children.
  • To offer activities and programs to stengthen the family.
  • To offer activity and involvement opportunities for parents to feel more comfortable assisting in their child's education.
  • To be involved and have a say in the education of our children.

Show your Viking pride!

T-Shirts, Baseball Shirts, and Hooded Sweatshirts
Available in child, youth, and adult sizes

Proceeds from sales of shirts support Dry Hollow PTA



Baseball Shirts:
Water Bottle: 